The Full Story
About Arts in Action
Arts in Action is a 501 ( c ) (3) non-profit organization with an experienced staff and dedicated faculty ready to serve you in numerous arts education programs. Our faculty teaches with passion, purpose and loving hearts with a focus on developing excellence in technique and artistic expression.
At Arts in Action we are passionate about making a significant impact in the lives of students and the community through arts education! Through documented research and personal experience, we know the endless benefits awaiting those who study the arts.
Our 5 Promises
The Five Promises Arts in Action provides to the children they serve include:
A caring adult in his/her life
A safe place to be
A healthy start, both physically and mentally
Access to an effective education
The opportunity to give back and make a difference in the life of someone else

Our Mission
Documented studies have proven that children involved in arts education OUT PERFORM “art poor” students in every area of their lives. Students who take four years of arts and music classes while in high school score 85 points better on their SATs than students who took only one-half year or less (scores of 1,063 vs. 978, respectively) and scored an average of 523 on the Writing portion of the test -52 points higher than students with only one-half year or less of arts/music classes. Source: The College Board, 2008. 2008 College-Bound Seniors: Total group Profile. That is significant! The arts bolster self-esteem, improve cognitive development, enable students to creatively express themselves and prepare students for the workplace to name a few. We are blessed to have the opportunity to enrich the lives of the students who study through the Arts in Action programs.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide excellence in arts education for all.Arts in Action is a non-profit, 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) organization that provides professional and positive education and performance opportunities in the arts for all ages and abilities. We encourage and equip residents of Putnam, Kanawha, Cabell, Mason and Lincoln counties regardless of race, religion, gender, and economic status, offering comprehensive arts education and programs taught and lead by a highly-skilled, qualified, and dedicated faculty and staff.
Our Values
All people, those with a passion for the arts and particularly low-income families and at-risk youth, deserving an opportunity for quality arts education. Creativity and artistic expression developed in excellence. The innate desire and ability within all individuals for physical, emotional, and spiritual development and growth. Wonderful volunteers who so selflessly serve with dedication, purpose and loving hearts. An organization run with integrity and skill. Combined efforts of civic and community organizations with private enterprises and other non-profit programs for the purpose of building strong relationships to impact our community.